Healthcare Staffing
Cogent Integrated Business Solutions, Inc. is the trusted healthcare staffing partner preferred by many hospitals and healthcare facilities around the country to solve the acute shortage of healthcare professionals. We provide high-quality, pre-screened healthcare professionals and renowned personal service.
Our staffing, search, and technology services help healthcare organizations, hospitals, and other facilities find the qualified temporary and permanent staff to ensure patients have access to care when and where they need it.
Serving all the 50 U.S. states;

Founded in Bingham Farms, Michigan, Cogent provides Nurse and Allied Healthcare Professionals with per diem, local, and travel contract assignments at facilities located across all 50 U.S. States.
Some of the top healthcare facilities in the nation have hired us to make sure that their staff is made up only of the most qualified, skilled health care professionals. The internal team at Cogent is made up of qualified account executives and recruitment consultants with an average tenure in the healthcare staffing sector of more than five years.

We currently employ a wide variety of Registered Nurses (including most specialties), Licensed Practical Nurses, Certified Nurse Assistants, Surgical Techs, Respiratory Techs, and other Allied Healthcare Professionals.
Additionally, our services are available to an array of vendors and facilities including:
Healthcare Organizations and Networks
Surgery Centers
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Mental Health and Psych Facilities
Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes
Rehab and Detox Centers
Long-term Care Facilities
Correctional Facilities
School Districts
And other business organizations that require Nursing or Allied Healthcare
Professional services on a contingent or temporary basis.
Cogent Healthcare Staffing Solutions delivers a seamless fit into your department.
We take pride in being invested in your success since it helps us continue at the forefront of the healthcare services sector!
Our innovative strategy blends our knowledge of staffing and healthcare with providing solutions that are meticulously planned and delivered.
Quality healthcare professionals at all levels
State-of-the-art job posting/matching computer system
Ongoing national advertising and recruiting campaign
Simple employment agreement process
Formal quality assurance program
Whether a facility needs short-term contract workers or permanent staff, we can give you what you want. Our team is as dedicated to excellent patient care as the professionals we staff, offering continual support to the professionals we place and their relationship with their contracted facility. This is why our screening process is comprehensive and why we work within our partners’ budgets.
Our brands include advanced practice staffing, locum tenens staffing, nursing staffing, pharmacy staffing, health information management (HIM) staffing, and health information technology (HIT) staffing, in addition to the physical therapy professionals we have staffed for decades.
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