Smartphones have become integral to our lives in just a decade. Today, nearly everyone owns or has used one. They’re essential for music, calls, photos, news, socializing, shopping, and more. Many of us remember older smartphones with multiple buttons, but technology quickly shifted to touch screens. Let’s explore the future of smartphones and how advancements in technology will shape them.

Future Smartphone Screens: Photonic Crystal Displays

Have you ever experienced eye strain from watching a mobile screen too long? The future of smartphones addresses this issue with photonic crystal displays. Current smartphone screens display vibrant colors but struggle in varying light conditions. Research suggests photonic crystals could solve this problem.
Unlike LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) or OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays that emit bright light, causing irritation, photonic crystal displays use nanostructures that adjust to ambient light. These screens require an external light source, which can be integrated into the phone, similar to the Kindle Paperwhite. Samsung demonstrated a phone with a photonic crystal display in 2013. Apple and Google are also investing in photonics.

Future Mobile’s Nano-Tech Batteries

In 2015, Israeli tech company StoreDot showcased a Samsung Galaxy S5 with a nanotech battery that charges from 0 to 100 percent in under a minute, offering a glimpse into the future of smartphones. Currently, the StoreDot battery lasts about two-thirds as long as conventional lithium-ion batteries, but the company is working on improvements. StoreDot has received substantial investments from Samsung and is discussing integration with future smartphone manufacturers.

Years ago, most phones had physical keyboards but the future of mobile technology is evolving rapidly. Tactus Technology is developing a new keyboard using microfluidics. This tech pumps liquid into invisible pockets over the typing area on a smartphone. When the touchscreen keyboard appears, the pockets fill with liquid, raising the buttons. This technology is already used in the iPad Mini and could soon be in future smartphones and tablets.

Smartphones with Liquid Buttons

Years ago, most phones had physical keyboards but the future of mobile technology is evolving rapidly. Tactus Technology is developing a new keyboard using microfluidics. This tech pumps liquid into invisible pockets over the typing area on a smartphone. When the touchscreen keyboard appears, the pockets fill with liquid, raising the buttons. This technology is already used in the iPad Mini and could soon be in future smartphones and tablets.

Biometric Authentication

The iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 use capacitive technology for fingerprint recognition, which may not be secure enough due to insufficient data points. Qualcomm has developed an ultrasonic fingerprint scanner using a piezoelectric layer to generate ultrasound, offering higher resolution and enhanced security. So, the future of smartphones looks bright with advancements like these promising enhanced security features for users.

Graphene: A New Material

Since its practical application in 2004, graphene has been hailed as a “wonder material” in the electronics industry, holding promise for the future of smartphones. It’s thin, lightweight, flexible, transparent, and over 200 times stronger than steel. It’s also excellent at conducting electricity, making it ideal for electronic devices. Incorporating graphene into smartphones could result in ultra-thin, transparent, flexible, and virtually indestructible designs. Recently, Samsung’s Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) produced graphene retaining its excellent electrical qualities, marking a significant breakthrough.

No SIM Cards

Despite efforts to shrink SIM cards, they still seem outdated. Apple and Samsung are working to replace physical SIM cards with electronic versions, representing a glimpse into the future of mobile technology. With a programmable SIM integrated into your phone, you can switch network providers instantly without needing a new SIM card.

Pressure-Sensitive Screens

The Apple Watch’s Force Touch feature shows that screens can detect pressure. Users can interact with their phones in new ways, distinguishing between a light tap and a firm press, which is useful for gaming. Samsung has also filed a patent for “Touch Display Apparatus Sensing Force” using similar technology. In July 2015, ZTE introduced the ZTE Axon Mini, featuring a pressure-sensitive touch screen. As we look to the future of smartphones, advancements in pressure-sensitive technology promise to further enhance user interaction and functionality, making devices more intuitive and versatile.

Smartphone Apps Revolutionize Medical Care

Scientists developed Athelas, an app that uses a lens attachment to track malaria and cancer cells in blood. This innovation has spurred interest in using smartphones to track diseases like Ebola, offering valuable insights into their spread. With an inexpensive add-on called PCR, pathogens in the blood can be tagged and tracked, allowing rapid diagnosis within hours or minutes. Data collected is uploaded to an online database for analysis.

Combined with apps that track blood pressure and heart rate, smartphones could revolutionize medical care, highlighting the future of mobile technology in healthcare.

Advancements in Smart Camera Technology

In 2015, Qualcomm showcased a camera that identifies objects by comparing them to a vast on-device database. This AI-like technology can be trained to recognize more objects over time. It holds significant potential for intelligent tasks related to the real world. Google is also developing similar software to Google Photos. As camera hardware improves, this feature is likely to become standard on phones, reflecting the future of mobile technology and its expanding capabilities.

The Foldable Future of Mobile Phones

Foldable smartphones are a major trend in mobile technology, offering the portability of a regular phone with larger screens. As technology advances, these devices will become more durable, affordable, and user-friendly. Industry giants are competing to introduce innovative features, durability enhancements, and groundbreaking designs in foldable phones, signaling the future of smartphones.

Integration of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Integration of AR and VR will allow users to access immersive experiences directly from their mobile devices. Future smartphones may feature improved hardware capabilities to support these applications, such as enhanced GPUs and advanced sensors for accurate motion tracking.

The Future of Smartphone Ports: Going Wireless

Many smartphones are ditching the traditional headphone jack, and by 2030, ports might be obsolete, representing a significant shift in the future of mobile technology. With more people using wireless headphones, the need for physical jacks is dwindling. Advances in Bluetooth will further reduce the use of wired headphones. Prototype phones without ports already exist, relying on wireless charging and connectivity options. As wireless charging becomes faster and more popular, the need for physical ports will decline, possibly leading to portless smartphones.


The environmental impact of electronics manufacturing is a growing concern, shaping the future of mobile technology. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, the demand for sustainable smartphone design will rise. This includes using recycled materials, ethically sourced components, and energy-efficient production processes. Extending a phone’s lifespan through modular design and software updates could also become a key differentiator. Imagine upgrading specific components, like the camera or battery, instead of discarding the entire device. This reduces electronic waste and promotes a responsible approach to consumption.

The Future of Smartphones with AI

AI technology will transform smartphones, making them smarter and more user-friendly. With machine learning and neural networks, future phones will optimize battery life, improve camera quality, and offer advanced personal assistants. These AI-powered devices will predict what you need, adapt to your preferences, and provide personalized experiences. From smarter apps to better security, AI will make smartphones more powerful and easier to use. As AI advances, our phones will become even more essential, seamlessly integrating into every part of our lives.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Future mobile technology will seamlessly integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT), becoming control centers for smart devices at home, in cars, and at work. Your phone will connect with everything, making life easier and more efficient. With AI, these phones will learn your habits, predict what you need, and automate tasks. Enhanced security features will protect your data as phones take on more responsibilities. In short, future smartphones will be smarter, more connected, and essential for managing our increasingly digital lives.

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, as we look ahead, smartphones aren’t fading away; they’re gearing up to be smarter and more crucial. The future of smartphones is all about tech like crystal-clear displays, super-fast batteries, and brainy AI, they’re adapting to what we want. Plus, folding screens, touchy-feely controls, and going wireless are making them even handier. Connecting with everything and being eco-friendly, they’re sticking around. So, get ready for smarter, greener, and more connected phones that’ll make our lives easier and more fun.

Cogent Integrated Business Solutions is a global technology company offering services that capitalize on modern integrating innovation. Stay updated on the latest technology trends and news with us.

Written by Arjun Laxane