In this fast-paced era of advanced technologies and a competitive business environment, we always seek better and creative solutions for complex problems. Traditional approaches are unable to give the desired solution for all the challenges in this continuously evolving technological environment. In these challenging wars, Design Thinking comes as a warrior- a powerful methodology that promotes creative problem-solving and fosters innovation.

In this article, we will dive into the concept of design thinking and analyze how it can help businesses unlock their full potential and outshine competitors. Before knowing the working flow, we should know everything about Design thinking.

(image source: UVA Darden Ideas to Action)        

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a way of thinking that solves issues and inspires creativity in human-centered design. Based on methodologies and approaches it has evolved from a different range of different fields- including architecture, engineering and business

(image source:  what is Design Thinking)

It is both an ideology and a process, which is focusing on solving complex problems in this advanced field for businesses. Not only business it can be applied in any field. But in this blog, we will discuss design thinking only in the context of business.

Steps of Design Thinking

We will focus on the five stages of the Design Thinking model proposed by the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford because they are world-renowned for the way they teach and apply design thinking.

As traditional problem-solving methods that follow a linear path, they embrace a non-linear and iterative process, allowing for continuous refinement and improvement. Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test are the five steps that commonly make up the design thinking process.

   (image source: 5-steps-of-design-thinking)

  1. Empathize

This step acts as the heart of design thinking. At first, every business should understand the problems faced by the customers. Businesses need to place themselves in the shoes of their customers in order to comprehend the issues. By adopting an empathetic mindset, companies can gain valuable knowledge about the pain points and obstacles experienced by their target audience. These insights create the forms of the institution that will be able to give genuine solutions for complex IT problems (see more).

      (image source: Empathize)

Let’s see it through an example if a team wants to develop an advanced online clothes shopping website, they need to know the purchasing habits of customers. They might engage in interviews with different types of customers and to right observations they have to go through three questions:
“What?” – detail observations.
“How?” – analyze how users do things.
“Why?” – make informed assumptions.
And finally get to reduce purchase issues through conducting questionnaire surveys among commuters interested in improving their situation.

  • Defining The Problem

There should be extensive studies, examining information provided by users and finding out what makes people behave in certain ways. The importance of a clear problem statement is significant since it acts like a compass during innovation processes guiding such efforts towards specific goals.

(image source: what-is-design-thinking-define-design-thinking)

Sticking with our online clothing shop example, the team might define the problem as “How might we improve the efficiency and convenience of public transportation to enhance the commuter experience?”

  • Ideation: Unleashing Creativity

With a proper understanding of the problem, it’s time to generate ideas. During the ideation stage of the brainstorming process, different viewpoints and unconventional thinking are welcomed. Through techniques such as mind mapping, sketching, and rapid prototyping, teams can trap into their cumulative creativity and remove the cover of novel solutions. By this we achieve the goal is to generating a wide range of ideas without judgment.

In our case, the team could explore ideas such as smart purchase systems, real-time shopping apps, or integrating buying options into shopping websites.

  • Prototyping and Testing

The thing is that prototyping and testing should be done early in the design. Just make low-fidelity prototypes and businesses can get quick feedback from users. In this way, you will find out if the ideas are really good or need to be modified. If ideas don’t meet customers’ needs, one can end up spending money, time and other resources without any profit from them. Also, some defects could be discovered by this means and then there will always be a possibility to rectify them before finishing with a product or service.

Continuing with our online clothing shop example, the team might develop a mobile app prototype that showcases the proposed features and user interface. The team could conduct testing sessions for the users to understand how commuters respond to the website’s features and whether it truly enhances their experience.

Applying Design Thinking to Create Innovative Solutions:

After looking into the core of Design Thinking and all the steps we get good insights about Design Thinking. Now we can apply it to solve complex IT problems. To apply it efficiently we have to few things in mind:

  1.  Cultivate An Area of Designing Thinking

Creative and collaborative culture with constant learning is essential for successful design thinking. Companies need to support creativity among their employees by giving them appropriate tools and resources for exploring innovative concepts. This way, organisations can leverage their human resources completely and drive innovation without external influence.

2.   Understanding Problem Space

Contemporary issues like complex or chaotic problems usually require a hands-on approach after understanding a general problem statement. To solve the problem, one has to comprehend it thoroughly, get into its context completely and identify who the users are in addition to their working environment. The designing team must have all this information so that they can use a tool such as Customer Journey Map to help them form a bigger picture of the challenge and users and define the problem statement.

3.   Understanding The Solution Space

Having a statement in hand, the designers begin the Ideation and Prototype phase and brainstorm possible solutions; trying them out with actual users to gather their views, learning from their feedback and going back to the drawing board until they arrive at the best idea to start, something that has potential going forward.

4.   Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Recognize the significance of failure as an educational experience. A world filled with creativity may frequently be riddled with disappointments or reverses. These challenges are viewed not as impediments to progress within design thinking habits but instead provide room for further expansion. Thus, whenever failure risks are taken positively by each player, in the end, there will be no other alternative way apart from moving ahead.

5.   Iterate and Iterate Again

Advocating for a culture of iterative design thinking encourages incessant enhancements and refinements depending on user testing. experience and emerging needs. Organizations adopting this kind of mindset will find their solutions still relevant under various changing circumstances. Constancy in communication with users and purposeful exploitation of reviews is what fuels innovation and assures businesses they are offering remarkable client experiences.

Design Thinking – An Alternative to Conventional Process?

As an alternative to conventional reasoning and analysis, design thinking is a spiralled, iterative and non-linear process used by designers in tackling complicated problems. The advocates of design thinking argue that, unlike conventional ways, it places much emphasis on user-centeredness. Organizations that want to outperform their rivals should unlock all these things for optimal efficiency.

Design thinking is not a one-size-fits-all solution but rather an attitude that encourages cooperation, understanding other people’s feelings as well as permanent evolution. When businesses incorporate this way of thinking into their DNA, they will edge ahead in everything they do which is meaningful and transformative to customers.

Follow Cogent IBS for more such informative reads. Keep yourself updated on how Design Thinking solves Complex IT problems in this worldwide advancing technical and business fields.